Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wk4 Publicaton/Leadership Project part 1 of 2: Thoughts

This research has really stretched me in the sense that I don't want the paint myself in corner. I originally started my AR project off the way that I did (in education) because it was very similar to a need for expansion in the treatment and addiction field. I see a definite need for a technology bridge to be created between institution and home. While I feel strongly about the need for it in the public school system something about the politics of it makes me shy away from exploring that option further at this time. However, am willing to publish a general idea of what I am thinking so that others may develop an approach as I did in this case where there wasn't enough data in my field of work.

1 comment:

  1. Tania,
    I feel the same way about a technology bridge between institution and home. In the inner city here in my state the students are getting further before with the rest of the world when it comes to technology. Sure, the many been on Facebook and surf the web, but to truly use technology to their advance they are clueless. It would be nice to see public school get on board to show their students the world of technology in its better half.
