Friday, July 1, 2011

Post #3 Response to Alicia Westbrooks

Queen’s World - Topic #1 Media Asset Creation Week 1

cop·y·right  [kop-ee-rahyt]   noun
1.  the exclusive right  to make copies,  license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right  by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his or her death.
Quote of the day “ If you create it you have the right to protect it and legally claim it as your own.” Nathan Boehme
Hey Y’all,
This is my opinion while Nathan Boehme does a great job at explaining what a copyright is a legal term that refers to the author of an original piece of work being the sole owner of that work, which gives that person the right to re-publish or alter that work however they like.  While I do agree that copyright helps to protect the rights of the creator, I do find that there are times that this infringes on Freedom of speech.  It is a very thin line.
The use of todays technology makes it difficult to identify who was the original author of work with minor changes one can make it their own.  I find it interesting that copyright is not looked at like flattery, if the correct attribute is provided.
I love to hear your comments.

My Response:

Tania Shavor
I have to say YES it is a fine line. I am an artist. With that being said if I were to have someone use my images in an ad for a company or for profit business with out my permission I would be a little more than upset. Or lets say for someone to use my ideas as their own YES I would be a little more than upset. I am currently walking that thin line with the company I work for. They want my input but however they haven't settled the legal side of that yet. Every so often I get asked questions about what my ideas are. I am very cautious as to what information I provide them. Why? Because if they have no intention on moving me forward I want to reserve the right to use my ideas else where. They know and I know that my input could set them apart from many companies that provide similar services. As long as its still in my head its still my intellectual property.
Friday, July 1, 2011 - 12:26 PM

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